Wednesday, September 30, 2009


coming friday will be our microbiology quiz.. i'm suppose to off my lappie and get started with my studies. i should be reading and memorizing the morphology of Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, the classification of microorganisms, the methods to classify and identify microorganisms... I should be doing revision on MICROBIOLOGY...

But WHY????!!!!! WHAT happened??

i just don't understand why.... why am I still sitting here, doing nothing but online, Facebook and blogging?? gosh... what happened to me? if you ask me whether i'm prepared for the exam, the answer is definitely a big NO lo!!! haih... what can I do now to make myself study? what can i do to make myself to memorize those microbes? what can i do to pass the quiz? Or maybe i should just fail the quiz?? OH!!! NO!!! NO WAY... no way i'm gonna fail my quiz... GOSH... but i just can't settle down myself and study~

haih~~ i'm still on holiday mood~~ i'm still thinking of going Port Dickson with my family, i'm still thinking of going cheong k with my friends, going pyramid, going yum cha..... wanting to go out with my buddies again~ wanting to go shopping...

but its not gonna happen for this 2 months~ sigh

u ask me why??

the answer is simple enough...

cause after all the quizzes, final is coming!!

the conclusion is, there will be endless exams pouring on me... endless studies...



ZZZ~ bye now... after crapping here, i still have to study~ zzz i still have to memorize those microbes~ haih~

*people~ wish me luck*

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

饶恕与原谅 forgive

21Then Peter come to Jesus and asked," Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?


22Jesus answered," I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times.


35This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.


Matthew 18:21,22,35 马太福音18:21,22,35



Sunday, September 27, 2009

~Dark Chocolate~

something about her...

she is Tan Hui Ling
also known as Michelle Tan
she is dark... <---exactly like the color i'm pointing at... =)
she lives in puchong,
she is taller than me,

she has long straight hair,
she has dimples on her face,
she has huge eyes,
she has no temper,

she is humble,
she is a soft-spoken girl,
she is a good listener,
she is a hardworking girl,
she is quiet (unlike a certain someone, talk non-stop 24/7)
she is good
she is smart
she is doing account
she is always on diet

she likes to smile
she likes to go shopping
she likes to buy something to make herself happier
she likes mc D sundae cone,
she likes chocolates,
she likes to cheong K,
she likes Ah Mei's songs,
she likes WHS 9714 wira ( cause her driver always fetch her using that car)
she likes Ps Phillip
she likes to dance
she likes to Sot around with Sot people
she likes music

she always wanting to learn piano
she always scare to drive
she always try her best to do her best
she always listen to me (cause i will yell at her? lol)
she always wanting to try new stuffs

she is my best friends since form 1
she is my sister in Christ
she is the one who bring me to the Lord
she is the one that know me best
she is the one that always give me advice and try her best to convince me
she is always there for me when i'm down
she is the one.... the one that growing together with me
she is everything...


she is no longer with me...
she is now at Penang continue her tertiary education
she leaves me...

i'm gonna miss her crazy
i'm gonna wait for another 2 months to meet her again
i'm gonna back to the old routine again
i'm gonna be alone again
cause cant gossip with her, cant fetch her, cant tease her, cant bring her go shopping, cant kacau her, cant share my happiness with her....

but i'm always appreciate that i have such a great friend
thanks for being my friend for 7 years...
i really appreciate this angel
really thank you...
do your best and try your best on whatever you are doing


most importantly, do MISS me when you are free =)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Colin and Winson's farewell



照片胜过千语~哈哈。。我们在sense cafe- ioi mall “ yum cha”


Winson和Colin 将在下星期(29/09/09)乘搭飞机去伦敦咯!我还需等到几个世纪才能再见到他们??真的不喜欢离别的感觉。。对我而言,离别时伤痛的、是流泪的、是人生的另一个转垒点。。

以前向小孩般的Winson终于长大咯!要走出蒲种到外面一个人生活咯~ 他。。他。。真的是一个很聪明且谦卑的人。。虽然有点giam siap,可是,他真的很乐意帮助有需要的人!他也是我属灵上的好哥哥,总是在我五组使用神的话语来鼓励我,让我再次站起来。。。这次见到他,真的勾起我很多很多的回忆。。哈哈~爱开玩笑的他,真的让我对他又爱又恨。。哈哈

我们的Colin也长大咯。。。他是我中学生涯里的好朋友。。他。。是我的gossip friend。。我们都一起分享笑话。。一起小声说,大声笑!哈哈。。他,是个语言专家,什么语言都难不倒他。。哈哈。。真的要谢谢他。。 嘻嘻(因为他今天带了一位帅哥老外跟我们一起gathering。。他的名字叫Colter)哈哈。。老外帅哥是透过学生交换计划(student exchange programme) 来到马来西亚。。他真的很友善,有可爱,哈哈~还会说笑话!!可是有一点不好,他的语音有点重。。食道我们需要几秒钟来到消化与思考他再说什么。。哈哈

除此以外,这次的gathering又再一次把5 Amanah奏在一起。。我跟一些朋友又真的真的失去了联络。。他们都变了。。都变in了。。变美了。。哈哈。。惟有我,还是老样子。。傻乎乎的。。唉~真失败。。哈哈~



stefanie&pui yan
angel 3~ ming yee,hui ling, michelle
ming yee-我的好伙伴。。
左:angie,colin,michelle,hui ling, pui yan
pui yan and me
stefanie and me
us~ 5 Amanah' 06
long lost friends~ from left : kathreine, caroline,angie, darling =)
gosh~ caroline is so slim now~~ i wonder what's her secret recipe~ lol
winson and wifey(kononnya) lol~ he must be very syok to see this
ps: pui yan is annoyed~ lol =P
winson and leng cai colter
poser- Daryl
our memories~

friendship forever~ may god bless everyone~ hehe

must stick my ass on the study room now~ gotta start my engine and start study and finish my microbiology report.... no more outing... no more yum cha... no more meeting friends... no more laughter...

only left.... our sweet memories~~ really appreciate that we can get together and get to know each other.... thank god... really appreciate it...



哇!!真的没想过。。我真的开始了我的第一次!!YEAH!! 第一次写部落格咧!!(给点掌声,鼓励鼓励我嘛。。嘻嘻)心情真的很兴奋~~至于你问我干嘛突然心血来潮要写部落格。。谢谢我的好友慧宁小姐咯!在小组后回家的路途中,她突然告诉我说她要写blog。。其实我早已经有这个念头好久了~哈哈。只是有不知如何开始。。。哈哈


Jol Ern,慧宁和我一同到Pyramid去Window Shopping。。。哈哈~其实我也打算要买一件外套和顺便买礼物给志雄的~因为他将离我们而去,去伦敦深造。。可是,外套就没买到。。。=(

慧宁和Jol Ern


今天的小组很特别。。因为我们家(约书亚小组)和但以理小组的联合聚会咧。。。 人数大概有三十多位!当中有一些新朋友、一些从来没去主日的朋友、当然不少了我们这一些“常客”啦!哈哈~真感谢主!


我们的大家庭 =D (约书亚小组)

